Tiara4harper.com is the crown jewel of Renaissance Man Inc.
On my daughters first birthday she received a beautiful bouquet of flowers with pink roses from her grandfather. Harper seemed to love them but I found it an odd gift for a one year old. I call my dad and asked him about his unusual gift for such a young princess. His answer moves me still to this day almost ten years latter. He said, "Every girl deserves to receive beautiful flowers." Never so true words have been spoken. As we all know, flowers don't last long so I choose to feature tiaras because they are elegant and sparkle like Harper's flowers but they last forever.
Like the short life of this beautiful bouquet of flowers, Harper brought a celestial light into this world for but a moment. Harper was born with a uncurbable genetic disorder call Sandhoff's disease. She was only on this earth for 720 days. In that brief time she touched many lives with her sweet spirt. Harper's mom and I will always feel the loose of our baby girl, but we try to fill our heart with gratitude for being chosen to be her parents. Words truly can't explain what it was to be part of Harper's mortal existence. She is a selected child of God and we will always count our selves blessed.
Harper brought such joy into our lives. Spreading joy to queens and you and princesses around the world is this website's primary objective. That is way for every tiara sold we donate a tiara to a children's hospital. Currently, I am talking with Children's Mercy in Kansas City about accepting our tiaras so that they can be enjoyed by the little princess that could use a smile from a sparkly tiara. The tiara are gifts from you, the lovely ladies supporting this store. My wife and I will be giving back as well but this site it not about us, it is about sharing Harper's light though your grace and joy.
Lastly, I want to thank you for reading this far and tell you, "Whether you buy a tiara or not. You are a gift to this world. Every woman on earth has been chosen by God to be here at this time. Thank you for being the woman that you are and please share you light to every person that you make contact with."
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